Make : AJS
Type : D
Year : 1920
CC : 750
Cylinder : 2
1919/1920 AJS 750 cc model D
Already in the years before 1920 A.J. Stevens & Co. were major motorcycle manufacturers.
Their first V-twin had been introduced in 1912 and was a very successful model, especially for sidecar use.
At the 1919 Olympia Show this 6 HP model was introduced.
Its features included a new type of saddle tank, interchangeable and quickly detachable wheels, specially sprung comfortable saddle, footboards with rubber mats, rear stand operated by hand lever and big size aluminium exhaust damper, placed under the front of the engine.
Engine capacity is 748 cc, bore and stroke are 74x87 mm.
The cylinder heads are detachable, ignition is by high-tension magneto and the machine has a three speed gearbox.